BLOG: Blog v Wiki

Blogs and Wikis both serve important purposes in today's society. Wikis have started to become more of a factor in the concept of "Web 2.0". Wikis are used by companies such EMC, according to the article, "More On How to Build Your Own Wikipedia". EMC is an information technology company that claims that Wikis have had an impact on how their company functions. For example, one team within the company chose a wiki so that each team member could add the most up-to-date information on one of their projects. This increased how quickly the team could complete the project, and they applied the wiki format to other projects 3 years later.

Blogs, like Wikis, have proven to be very influential. Several blogs were launched at the beginning of the 21st Century, and today, they continue to be among the most influential ones out there. Some of these blogs, according to the article, "How Can We Measure The Blogosphere?" include Boing Boing, Talking Points Memo, and Daily Dish. These blogs cover many different topics, but the one thing they have in common: their influence on the public. These are some of the most popular blogs out there, and, like the wikis, they continue to have a lasting impression on people today.   


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