
If I were to be hired by Baruch College, I would make some improvements to the new media being used at the school. What I would do is add a personal help account to each New Media outlet such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat. What I mean by this is, for each social media account, I would always make sure that there is an account where all it posts is answers to students' questions. The question is answered with a public post, tweet/retweet, or snap. That way, answers to questions can reach multiple students rather than just one student in some sort of direct message. This is important because other students might have the same question. I would also make sure that the school uses YouTube to effectively provide videos about things such as a tour of the school's campus, the path towards graduation in the three schools and payment options. Overall, I would make sure the New Media outlets provide as much information about Baruch College as possible. 


  1. I like your idea of a dedicated helper (whether it be a real person or an AI) that answers students' questions about Baruch College. It'll increase the college's interaction with its student and will without a doubt increase the goodwill of students toward the college.

  2. Hello! I love your idea. Its a realistic idea that is possible and can happen anytime now. I think its great to have everyone informed about situations going on through school and by connecting the accounts to new media outlets, it allows more audience along with easy accessibility


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