
Next New

As New Media continues to evolve, I believe that a new type of new media will be something that is the most personal to each and every person that uses it. It would be something like Snapchat or Instagram, but instead of it being on your phone, it would be in real life. What I mean by this is that the next new media invention could be a personalized screen that appears in front of you, similar to something out of the Star Trek movies or Black Panther. It would be a personalized screen in front of your face where you could swipe through pictures or videos. You could also walk around with this screen in front of you and capture real-time video (even though there would probably have to be safety precautions so you don't run into other people). I don't know what it would be called, but it could have the word "now" in the title so that it would be focused on being in the moment.   


File sharing is when you can gain access to digital files such as documents, videos and electronic books, among other things. P2P is known as Peer-to-Peer file sharing. According to the article titled, "Peers Find Less Pressure Borrowing From Each Other", Peer-to-Peer sharing can be a very efficient way to share documents relating to money. The article describes a system where investors give money to fund loans. Companies such as Lending Club and Prosper have done this well over the past several years. Another example is BitTorrent. According to the New York Times article titled, "Digital Pirates Wining Battle With Studios", it is a site where users can access free entertainment content like movies and tv shows through streaming. What P2P file sharing sites do is create direct access for people to any items or things they want, and then they allow people to share those items/things directly to their fellow peers, and it's a very cheap option to use.   

Wiki So Far

For my contributions to the Wiki page, I have focused on three topics specifically: sports, music and YouTube. I have been researching ways to try and include information that has not been added, like for example, Facebook and sports. I am researching how the two have been tied together (how is it used for things like social media and marketing). I'm also researching new content for the Youtube page, such as adding information about major YouTube vloggers and gaming stars. For music, I am focusing more on improving the content currently on the page. A lot of information has already been covered, so I am trying to update some of the information to make it as current as possible. 


If I were to be hired by Baruch College, I would make some improvements to the new media being used at the school. What I would do is add a personal help account to each New Media outlet such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat. What I mean by this is, for each social media account, I would always make sure that there is an account where all it posts is answers to students' questions. The question is answered with a public post, tweet/retweet, or snap. That way, answers to questions can reach multiple students rather than just one student in some sort of direct message. This is important because other students might have the same question. I would also make sure that the school uses YouTube to effectively provide videos about things such as a tour of the school's campus, the path towards graduation in the three schools and payment options. Overall, I would make sure the New Media outlets provide as much information about Baruch College as possible. 


Privacy is a very complex word when it comes to New Media. As more and more New Media gets developed, it has become defined in many ways. According to the website, Communications of the ATM, privacy has had a long history, going as far back as the fourth amendment to the U.S. constitution. But with inventions such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube, privacy becomes a more blurred line. People can make their personal lives more public, either intentionally or by mistake. One of the unfortunate examples of this is when a man named Jon Ossoff ran as a Democrat in Georgia during a special election. According to an article from NPR titled, "Attack Ad Marks New Era For Millennials Running For Office", Ossoff's Republican competitors launched an ad attempting to portray him as some, "spoiled frat boy", as it featured him dressed as Han Solo from Star Wars  when talking about his college's alcohol policy. Privacy is never set in stone when it comes to New M...

HW Creativity

New Media can foster new creativity in many ways. For example, according to the New York Times article titled, "Disney Tolerates a Parody of Its Critters. But Why?" we see that the internet has been used in ways such as Youtube to make parodies of famous content. Another way is mashups, where people copy famous songs and put them in a video with some sort of cartoon, song or other form of content. While some might argue that these parodies could be copyright infringement, some also argue that they are fair use. For example, Disney is more guarded with how they manage copyright infringement, but Nickelodeon has been more open about letting these parodies be on the internet, saying that some of these parodies are fair use of their content.

Creativity and New Media

For my creative post, I decided to upload a short video to YouTube. I was on my way to Baruch, when I decided to record some of the sights and sounds of the NYC Subway system. Link: